"Sixteen months after his first exhibition in Paris (Burning Hearts in November 2010), the famous graffiti artist Cope 2 presents New York for the second time in Paris. MathGoth proposed by the gallery, the exhibition Defiance meet from February 18 to March 1 works of an international graffiti legends whose work, not settle down, now combines the techniques of graffiti with the dexterity of brush or collages.
No denial in the work of Cope2: the king with his bubbles markers and bombs remains at the heart of each of the paintings but with new spaces and new technology investment. A real change in his work already begun in his first exhibition in Paris Burning Hearts, in November 2010, when appeared the first signs of a burgeoning style.
Now focusing on studio work, more thorough, deeper Cope2 this for a very accomplished performance. Exit the metro line 4 in New York debut, the canvas is now her favorite material, which contributes to the accessibility of the artist in the defying paradox of street art. Cope2 has become a real painter workshop with the rigor and torments involved.